The Rainbow has not hosted live music since the end of 1981 1981年末之后,彩虹剧院就再没主办过现场音乐会。
And then they live happily ever after! The end! 从此他们过上了幸福快乐的生活!
In theory, the compactor slides all the live objects together to one end of the heap, leaving a single contiguous block of free space. 理论上,压缩程序会将所有活动对象都移动到堆的一端,留下一块连续的闲置空间。
Set some standards to live by with your email management and youll find youll have more hours to live with in the end. 制定一些合理安排邮件时间的标准,你会发现自己拥有了更多的时间。
Hire a bike for a week and see how it works out for you I live on Mile End Road and value my life, so no thanks. 租一个星期自行车,看看这样做对生活的影响我住在伦敦高速公路英里路尽头,而且我惜命,所以谢谢了,但我不要骑车。
'But we may not live to see the end.' 但我们也许不会活着看到结果了。
Thing is, if I live long enough, my lungs may end up as conch-pink as theirs. 如果我活得足够长,我的肺最后可能跟他们的一样如海螺般粉嫩。
If the company fails to live up to its end of the bargain, Mr. Kaye said the commission would not hesitate to pressure the company. 如果阿里巴巴未能信守承诺,凯表示该委员会将毫不犹豫地迫使其就范。
The season of Advent calls us to live with the end in mind, to envision the day when the Son of Man will come with power and glory. 同样,将临节提醒我们,当抱着期望末日的心态过活,要憧憬人子在权能荣耀中再临的情形。
When you press exit, the screen return to normal live video display of the far end 当按Exit时,屏幕会返回正常的远端实时视频显示状态
We searched high and low for a better place to live, but in the end, we stayed in our old house. 我们到处寻找一个居住条件好的地方,但最后还是留在了老房子里。
How are we to live? To what end? 我们如何活着?人类未来的结局是什么?
People that live at the end of Dirt Roads learn early on that life is a bumpy ride. 住在土路尽头的人们早就知道,人生是一段崎岖坎坷的旅程。
I live in calm looking forward to the end. 我平静的生活着,期望着人生的终结!
How long had they live here by the end of last year? 到去年底为止他们住在这里多久了?
I live at the end of church lane. 我住在教堂巷底。
They live at the far end of our street. 他们住在我们的这条街的尽头。
Will I live to see the end of this year? 能否平安度过这一年?
They live at the top end of the street. 他们住在街的最那头。
The pull-in at the dead end should be subtracted from the total movement measurement at the live end before comparison with the corrected tabulated extension. 与正确扩展表格比较之前,终端处插座应从活端处总运动测量里扣除。
They live in the end house. 他们住在最后的那座房子里。
Now we are ruined, and I shan't live to see the end of your disgrace. 这下子完了,我也不想再活着看你丢人现眼了。
If you fail to love and forgive, you will live your karma to the bitter end. 如果你未能爱与原谅,那么你将在你的业力中一直活到痛苦的尽头。
Live like today's the end of the world. 好好生活吧,像今天是末日一样。
I would like to live in that shallow end just for a little while. 我倒宁愿活在这样一个肤浅的生命中,体会一下。
A lot of the children in the school live in the flats at the end of the road. 这个学校的许多学生住在路尽头的公寓楼里。
In life devote yourself to joy and lovebehold the beauty of the peaceful dovethose who live, in the end must all perishlive as if you are already in heavens above. 生活中要全心投入快乐与爱瞧那和平鸽的美那些活着的,最终都要消失要像你已经在天堂那样活着。
I hope I live long enough to see the end of the bravado crap. 我希望我能活到看到这些虚张声势的东西终结的那天。
The prince and princess will live ahappy life to the end. 王子公主最终都将过着幸福的生活!
We shouldn't expect our regulators to live up to their end of the bargain unless we live up to ours. 我们必须自力更生,而非寄希望于我们的管理者各自为战。